
Ecolink is a fresh face in the field of ecological consulting, providing innovative, timely and accurate advice to planners, developers, government agencies and a range of land managers who need to understand the ecological values of their land.

The directors, Stuart Cooney and Simon Scott, tired of working in the traditional consultancy model, strive to provide ecological advice that is concise and relevant to the client’s needs.  The Ecolink difference, is that the experienced project manager is involved in all aspects of the job, from inception to completion, and the right expertise is utilised to ensure you get the best advice possible.

Ecolink will link you to a network of experts around Australia who can provide a higher, more accurate and more thorough level of advice than Companies that try and retain all work “in-house”.  The ecological experts on the books of Ecolink include local area specialists, leading researchers in the ecology of threatened species and consultants that specialise in ecological processes such as fire, weed ecology and hydrology.  Ecolink also engages different disciplines (e.g. arborists, engineers, landscape architects, planners, vegetation contractors) to ensure that the report you get from these experts is consistent and focused on the goal of the project.

Meet the team of qualified Ecologists and Botanists

With more than twenty years of ecological experience between them, Simon Scott and Stuart Cooney, the Principal Ecologists of Ecolink, saw that the process of providing ecological advice could be done better.  Simon and Stuart use this extensive experience to provide high quality advice in an innovative, cost effective and timely manner. Simon and Stuart have complementary skills, each specialising in different branches of ecology, while having the comprehensive understanding of relevant legislation and policy to successfully deliver outcomes that exceed the client’s expectations.

Simon Scott

Senior Botanist and Principle Ecologist

Bachelor of Applied Science (Natural Resources Management) (Honours)

Simon Scott is the co-founder, co-owner and a principal ecologist at Ecolink.  Prior to establishing this company, Simon worked as an ecologist for more than 16 years.  Simon has worked on flora and fauna projects throughout Victoria, developing extensive botanical and zoological survey skills.  Assessments have included environmental impact assessments, habitat hectare assessments, targeted flora and fauna surveys, as well as pest plant and animal surveys.  Key clients have included major infrastructure developers, residential and industrial land developers, government agencies and local authorities. 

Simon has developed strong relationships with regulators, which, when combined with expert advice, provides accurate and timely environmental approvals.

Dr Stuart Cooney

Senior Ecologist

Bachelor of Applied Science (Parks, Recreation and Heritage) (Honours), Doctor of Philosophy (Ecology, Evolution and Systematics) (Australian National University)

Stuart Cooney is the co-founder, co-owner and a principal ecologist at Ecolink. Stuart has been working in the ecological field for more than ten years. Following a successful academic career that saw Stuart learn his craft as an ornithologist, doing work across Australia on various projects, he has been working as a consultant ecologist for the last 8 years, putting these skills to practical use.

Stuart is currently serving his second elected term as a Board Member of Birdlife Australia, Australia’s peak ornithological organisation.  As an ecological consultant, Stuart has had extensive experience with a variety of threatened bird species including Hooded Plovers in relation to the Victorian desalination project, Brolgas in relation to numerous Wind Farm projects in Western Victoria and shorebirds in a range of wetland and coastal environments.

Two new recruits were hired in 2023, bringing their specialised skills and enthusiasm to the team at Ecolink Consulting.

Jessica Murphy


Bachelor of Science (Plant Science) and Graduate Diploma (Environmental Planning)

Jessica Murphy is a recent graduate of a Bachelor of Science, majoring in Plant Science, and is currently completing a Master of Environmental Planning online at the Univeristy of Tasmania. Jessica has accumulated more than 3 years of practical experience within the fields of Plant Science and Horticulture, working in large-scale commercial and government plant facilities, as well as personalised gardening jobs for NDIS clients.

Jessica is well eqipped to perform Vegetation Quality Assessments and surveys through her employment with Agribio and Acacia Environmental, and has been actively involved in field projects across Victoria with the University of Melbourne, Latrobe University and Gippsland Intrepid Landcare. These projects were mostly volunteer based and focusing on ecological recovery after fire, as well as vegetation and invertebrate population mapping.


Liam McCormack


Liam McCormack has been involved in the conservation and ecology fields for more than 6 years. Working in restorative ecology and bushland management alongside studies in Conservation and Environmental Management, where he excelled in his studies, being included into the academic honour’s society, the Order of the Golden key.

Liam has been engaged in a myriad of bushland management practices throughout his work as a Conservation Areas Specialist. Throughout his time in on-ground services, Liam engaged in post burn management of sites in Lysterfield Park and Arthurs Seat. This developed his understanding of ecological succession, threatened species identification, and herbicide pathways. He is also looking to further his skills as a consultant and advisor engaged in works as a Health, Safety & Environment Consultant. This role has engaged him in several different avenues including performing works as an occupational hygienist, environmental consultant and risk assessor, working with projects such as the Westgate Tunnel Project at Cawley Road and Fishermans Bend Urban Renewal. Liam also continues to uphold the OH&S Act of 2004 within his daily duties as a hygienist.